Dream Dots – Treatment Patches For Breakouts Review

These are tiny treatment dots that go right on top of an outbreak of acne. I really thought by now that I would be over acne, but apparently my body has other plans. I have never used a treatment like this one, so I was skeptical. However, after the first use, I was hooked. Seriously, the first day this little wonderful patch takes all the redness and inflammation out of my zits and by the second the zit is GONE! (And this is with the use of one patch, one time!!! Overnight!)

Check out my video review:

Check out Dream Dots website!

Seriously, you must get these if you have a need for acne treatment. I have never seen anything that worked as well as these do! I received this product in exchange for my honest review, I am lucky like that!

Premium Lavender Essential Oil – 4oz Review

As my son’s ADHD gets worse and my stress levels rise, this huge bottle of lavender oil really comes in handy. It smells pleasant when diffused and this bottle lasts a really long time as you don’t have to use much at one time to get the desired effect. The amber bottle keeps light from getting in and spoiling the oil, and the dropper allows for easier use. Storage is a breeze with this bottle and unlike the smaller bottles that fall over on my shelf, this one is large enough not to do that. Lavender oil is great mixed with other essential oils and really seems to have a calming effect on my whole household. I have recently put a diffuser in my son’s room, running it at night while he sleeps, and this really seems to have a calming effect on his, allowing for easier and better quality sleeps, as well as him being calmer and more at ease when he awakens. This is a great, quality essential oil that is great for so many reasons, beyond just what I use it for. I received this product in exchange for my honest opinion of it.

Get yours today at:

Black Canyon Vanilla Delight Body Lotion Review

Oh my! This lotion smells good enough to eat. My hands feel amazing after using. I keep this product on my desk for easy use at any time. The pump bottle helps that so much! One handed application at its finest. The lotion just melts into your skin with very little effort, leaving your skin hydrated and smelling amazing. The scent is a delicate vanilla and brown sugar smell, reminding me of a top store’s lotion of the same scent. I literally can not tell this difference in the smell, but the feel is much better with this one and it does take as much to get it rubbed in. The bottle is well made and storage is a breeze. At 8 ounces this is a good sized bottle too, and you won’t need much at one time. This lotion leaves behind no greasy feel or residue. I simply can not find one thing bad to say about it. I received this product in exchange for my honest opinion.

Get yours today at:

Kuuk Silicone Large Ice Cube Mold Tray (Twin Pack) Review

These are so cool! They are silicone, so flexible, easy to use and easy to clean. Just fill them up with water and you are set for some really awesome, really big, square ice cubes. Small cubes of ice are so boring when you can have cubes like these! This comes in a set of two, and 4 large cubes per tray. They are so easy to remove too, just as the company states just a simple push from the other side and they are out and ready to serve in any of your drinks. I keep these on hand all the time for entertaining! They are a terrific conversation starter for sure! Get your own today! I received this product in exchange for my honest review.

Get yours today at:

Vanilla Mint Deodorant Creme Review

This is a very interesting product, an organic, chemical-free deodorant that smells amazing. With all the chemicals that have been known to cause cancer in drug store deodorants, it is nice to have this type of alternative. And of course, the best part is that it does work. The first week or so is a bit rough, as your body is purging the chemicals, but after that its much better. You use a small amount and you are good all day long. The crème is easy to apply and smells really great as I stated. The container is closable and easy to store. This product has a wonderful shelf life of 12 months, but who keeps deodorant that long anyways. I love that this product does not contain cocoa butter, as I am allergic to that, instead it has shea butter. A lot of the other organic alternatives don’t have that.

Here is a list of ingredients as the company states:
” Organic Shea Butter, Organic Arrowroot Powder, (Vegan), Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Aluminum-Free Baking Soda, Organic Peppermint Essential Oil, Organic Vanilla Extract, Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil.”

All wonderful things that add up to a terrific product and a great alternative! The cost is about $10, but it will last far longer than regular deodorants because you don’t use as much.

Check it out HERE!

I received a sample of this product in exchange for my honest review.

Click Roast Deliver Coffee Review

This has got to be one of the most amazing sites, EVER! I adore having choices and this site is full of so many amazing coffee choices. I got the House Blend, which is has hints of cocoa, caramel and fruit, giving it a smooth subtle and wonderful flavor that I could drink all day long. Nothing gets me going quite like a cup, or a pot, of coffee in the mornings and I love that you can go to this website and take your pick and it is delivered directly to your door. Never again do you have to search around for the best coffee, because it is all right here! On one site, with a simple ordering process. I got whole beans, which I ground myself and that offered me a wonderful scent and freshness that I couldn’t get from already ground up beans. I received samples of this, in exchange for my honest opinion.

Rush and get yours today at:

NO matter what you are looking for you while find it here!

CRD Roasters
Single Origins
Direct Trade / Relationship

Solid Stainless Steel Ice Cream Scoop Review

We are serious ice cream lovers in my house! We always have had troubles with the ice cream being too hard and the scoop being too weak. No more though, with this super strong scoop! This scoop just glides right through the hardest ice cream and when paired with hot water, there is no ice cream that it doesn’t work on. It doesn’t bend or break like others that I have had and it is super easy to clean and store as well. Even my 8 year old can now scoop his own ice cream with ease. The soft rubber grip handle is easy on my arthritic hands. This thing also has a LIFETIME! guarantee! Now where have you ever seen an ice cream scoop that was that sure of itself? This one is and for good reason! I received this product in exchange for my honest review.

Get yours today and never have to worry about broken spoons again!

Fractionated Coconut Oil Review

Coconut oil has such a variety of uses! I had no idea. I use mine as a makeup remover. My skin feels amazing after use and my eye makeup just glides right off without much rubbing or any irritation at all. I love this as an option, instead of normal eye makeup remover, because it comes in a much larger bottle and lasts a lot longer. I get irritated having to replace something as often as I do eye makeup remover and this is a great solution. Being that I am a contact lens wearer, this is safe, natural, and gentle on my eyes. I have also used this oil to give my husband massages and he loves it. It has a nice light fragrance that isn’t too womanly for him and his skin feels amazing after ward. It is light and not greasy at all, yet very moisturizing! It is a great carrier oil as the company states too! I use it to keep my fave peppermint oil from burning my skin. I love that it has a nice long shelf stable life as well. I received this product in exchange for my honest opinion.

Get yours today at:

Acu-Life Oto-Scoop: Safe & Simple Ear Wax Removal Review

This is a flexible plastic “q-tip” looking piece that you can use to safely and effectively clean your ears or your kids ears. I used this on my child’s ears, as it is much safer than a q-tip. There is a guard that keeps you from inserting the piece too far into your ear. The scoop on the end allows you to spin it around in your ear and loosen the wax, then effectively scoop it out. There has never been an easier way to clean wax out of your ears. Being that I have a little boy, I tend to find all kinds of manner of dirt in his ears. This is a great way to get him to let me clean his ears, without the fuss and tears that generally accompany other manners of cleaning. This is a sturdy product that seems to be packaged well and works well. I received this product in exchange for my honest review.

Check out their site:

Max Potency Testosterone Booster Review

This is a well packaged product, in a great bottle that filters out light to keep the contents safe. The product is easy to take and easy to convince the husband to use. It does to seem to work well, not that we had any problems to begin with. There are surely effects to this product as our “sessions” were more intense and pleasurable for both of us. As far as toning fat into muscle, I am not sure of that effect, as it would take more time to know if that works or not. Testosterone is very important in many of the male systems. It tends to wane as the man gets older and this booster is great at helping getting those levels back up. As with any supplement, it is wise to check with your doctor prior to taking this to make sure that you can benefit the most from it. My husband has tried other brands of this product and this one seems to be the most beneficial to him. I received this product in exchange for an honest review.

Get yours today at:

